A downloadable game

Navigate dangerous waters and outsmart a tricky pirate to find his hidden treasure!


Fisherman's Journey is a game produced in 3 days and a half during the Godfather-Godmother Game Jam 2024 and made by 8 IIM students, from different classes.

Embark on a thrilling quest to discover a pirate’s hidden treasure! Navigate through treacherous waters, face off against the formidable pirate, and collect lifebuoys to stay afloat. But beware.. tangled nets and cute crabs will challenge your every move as you strive to claim the coveted prize!


The Player 1 incarns a Fisherman and has to sit in front of the computer to play. In addition of the basic controls, the Fisherman can throw multiples darts to a target placed behind the players screen in order to remove obstacles. If the player 1 hits a red segment, than the player 2 has to remove red nets (Same process for every color). Moreover, if the Fisherman hits the bullseye then the player 2 has to remove EVERY nets.

The player 2 incarns the Captain John and has the role of the game master by using the Num.Keypad to start events. This player can raise / erase colored nets, start a bonus event or a penalty for the Player 1.


- Lifebuyos give points when collected by the Player 1!

- Nets destroy players lifebuyos, get rid of them!

- Crabs are projectiles that you want to avoid! 

- IRL events with a Dart Board.


Player 1 : 

W/A/S/D to move

Player 2  : 

1/2/3 to raise walls (Red / Blue / Yellow)

4/5/6 to erase walls (Red / Blue / Yellow)

Num.Keypad 8 to start a malus for the player 1

 Num.Keypad 9 to start a bonus for the player 1


Stéphane MURÇA - Game Designer

Pierre FOUCHE - Game Designer

Hector BRUN - Tech Artist

Tomé BOURDIÉ - Game Programmer

Nathan GINOT - Game Artist

Angela TRAN - Game Artist

Éthan LIN - Game Artist

Vincent PARVILLIER - Producer / Sound Designer

Updated 5 days ago
Published 6 days ago
TagsIndie, Pirates, Short, Top-Down, Two Player


Fisherman's Journey.zip 47 MB

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